Be discovered

We’re always looking for new talent. The easiest and fastest way to get noticed is to tell us about yourself on this page.

Step 1. Take measurements
Measure your height, bust, waist and hips. We’re looking for girls who are 16 years or older and 170cm (5′ 7″) tall or taller, and guys who are 16 years or older and 185cm (6′ 1″) tall or taller.
Step 2. Make snapshots
Professional photos are not necessary, you can easily make snapshots on your phone. It’s better if photos are taken in natural light. Please send us your face, profile and a full-body shot, as in the example below. Please do not wear makeup!
Sample of a model snapshot for a girl
Sample of a model snapshot for a girl
Sample of a model snapshot for a girl
Sample of a model snapshot for a girl
Sample of a model snapshot for a guy
Sample of a model snapshot for a guy
Sample of a model snapshot for a guy
Sample of a model snapshot for a guy
Step 3. Fill out the form
Please note: you can only apply for yourself.